Saturday, March 14, 2020

Otto von Bismarck essays

Otto von Bismarck essays Otto von Bismarck was born at Schonhausen on I April 1815. Bismarck came from a Pomeranian Junker family. Bismarck grew up in the powerful German state of Prussia. When Bismarck was young, he was a big man due to eating and drinking too much; he was always ready for a duel. Bismarck wore a full beard for long periods of his life. Bismarck went to the best Berlin grammar school; then he went to study laws at the University of Gottingen in Hanover and University of Berlin. After qualifying the examination, Bismarck entered Prussian civil service and became a judicial administrator at Aachen. His career in the civil service was not a success. Bismarck served there for a short period of time. When he finished serving Bismarck was 24. Bismarck married with Johanna von Puttkamer when he was 30. Bismarck believed that he shared the same belief with the God in making Prussia strong and in unifying Germany; he had once said, You would not have had such a Chancellor if I had not the wonderful basis of religion (21). In 1847, Bismarck became a member of the united diet. Bismarck opposed every liberal proposal. In 1848, the ideals of French Revolution spread to Germany. There was a popular uprising of liberals in Germany. Conservative Bismarck opposed the liberal revolution in 1848. In 1851, Bismarck gained prominence and was chosen to become the Prussian delegate to the Federal diet when he was 36. During the Crimean War, Bismarck convinced the government to refuse to mobilize army of the German Federal diet to help Austria in Balkans. Bismarck saw no point to help Austria: I dont recognize any right in foreign policy (29). Bismarck also worried that it might alienate other countries. Thus, Prussia stayed neutrality. During the 1850s, Bismarck served Prussia as a diplomat at the Frankfurt Diet of German states. During his years at Frankfurt, Bismarck only concerned about the conflict wi...

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