Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Critical Thinking Skills And Academic Achievements

Critical thinking skills are beneficial and little is known about the factors contributing to students developing a disposition to think critically or the effect this disposition has on college students’ academic achievements. More studies need to be carried out on how student are capable of thinking critically and use their critical thinking skills and how to make critical thinking dispositions as it impacts people’s life and is necessary to have this skill when working. One important factor found in college students that may trigger the development of this disposition is perceived academic control. The study/research examines the reciprocal-effects between critical thinking dispositions and perceived academic control and their comparatives influences on academic achievements on first year college students. The research concludes that students’ perceived academic control predicted their succeeding critical thinking skills and students’ critical thinking d isposition predicted perceived their succeeding perceived academic control. After carrying out a high school academic performance, perceived academic control was found to cause a stronger impact/influence on students’ academic performance than critical thinking dispositions. Based on theoretical and empirical attributes/aspects of perceived academic control and critical thinking disposition, it is reasonable to state that the two concepts influence and cause an impact on one another, thus, exerting influence on students’Show MoreRelatedPersuasive Speech : School Officials Should Focus And Advocate For Visual And Music Art Based Programs1516 Words   |  7 Pageswant my audience to advocate for fine art as an essential part of K-12 school curriculum that focuses on saving arts programs and promoting them in socioeconomic disadvantaged school districts. 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