Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Ethics Of Animal Testing - 2235 Words

â€Å"With all things being equal, the simplest explanation tends to be the right one† (William of Ockham). Animals generally are used to be tested on by researchers for a various amount of reasons. Researchers and scientists worldwide, are determined to find solutions to finding cures to diseases, and any other consumer products that include cosmetic products, that humans use. The term FDA (Food Drug Administration) was created in the year of 1906, by Theodore Roosevelt and Harvey Washington Wiley. This act was made to ensure that all consumer products are to be approved and protected by the public health before the products are released to be used by people. Animals are tested on by researchers before all consumer products are released†¦show more content†¦Animals should be tested to make cosmetic products because it helps the safety of people and the environment, animals are genetically close to humans, and because animals are better suited for testing than h umans. Animals should be used in testing to make cosmetic products because it protects the safety of people and the environment. The Animal Research Corporation claimed that animals â€Å"Can act as models for the study of human illness† (1). The evidence being stated is showing that this animal corporation has leading evidence that animals are a big help to humans by knowing the fact that researchers are not testing on actual people, to determine a treatment on animals without harming humans. This also gives the scientists a chance to observe if the product they use on animals will have their immune systems respond to and how it can possibly affect humans. All of the calculations and results depend on scientists experiments in their labs. Although animals may die if the product or get really sick from what scientists use, atleast they know that they have proof as to if the product works or not. Life and death of animals that are being used to make consumer products is being use d for good purposes that help human’s population. Researchers are using animals instead of humans to keep humans safe and secure. If the experiment that researchers try to study on animals does not work, they will know not to use and approve the consumer

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